 Invoice 1938 Arthur Basse & Co


Red Star Line International Money Order No L186490 Sept 1, 1913 To be remitted to Natca Wassak Strubowiska Post Office Kalnica Lisko Pow Galicia Ten and 50/100 Dollars 10.50 as equivalent of fifty (50) Kronen Received from Wasco Wassak Madera, PA Red Star Line per John B. McGrath




Weekly mailing & passenger list


One of the most important emigration agents was Derulle-Wigreux in Luxembourg city, who represented the Red Star Line and later became American Consul in Luxembourg. A large number of Luxembourgers passed through his agency. Next to his agency he owned an hotel, where the emigrants stayed overnight before being led to the railway station the next morning, heading for the port of Antwerp.


Canvas Ticket Pouch

Canvas Ticket Pouch
1st class tableware design used by both the RSL and the White Star. Diam 13.5cm.
Backmark is the well-known Stonier & Co, Liverpool.

3-bay bowl in the delicate brow and turquoise pattern. All 3 bays have th salopped rim pattern. It measures 10 1/2 " dia. At all 3 sides the red star house flag is flying and the red star line name is in the ribbon in the center of each 1 1/2"

Cotton lined envelope sent to the Red Star Line office in Antwerp, Belgium. Envelope was posted in Warschau, Poland, and the sender was a passenger or someone of the crew of a White Star Line boat. 1926 - original stamps with boats and a wax seal.
Size : 12,5"x11,4"/ 32cmx29cm