"A heavy battle with the waves."
The steamer "Gothland (Gothic Country )"of the Red Star Line came last Wednesday night in New York after a heavy battle against a violent hurricane.
Even the captain of the "Aquitania "was considered that the sea when the storm was at its worst was very dangerous.
The" Gothland " drifted for 42 hours around while heavy seas continually on the deck beat. The ship was 80 miles from the track..
Suddenly the captain saw the freighter "Menominee" less than one mile away from the "Gothland" removed.
Shortly afterwards, when the "Gothland" was located on the crest of a fifty foot tall wave, saw officers the "Menominee" in another wave.
A collision seemed inevitable, since both ships floating around helplessly. Three barrels of oil were poured on the seething waves. The "Gothland" had their machine stop.
At one moment drove the "Menominee" just before the bows of the "Goth Land."
Between the two ships was a distance of about 200 feet. By a large wave, the ships were happy directional been beaten.
The wire installation defenseless, and the flagstaff ,the leadline of the "Goth Land" were swept away while on the bridge windows were shattered and several boats beaten from the deck.
But there was a sigh of relief: a collision was avoided!